keep it simple, stupid

Albert Einstein coined a similar principle, "everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." People tend to over analyze a problem when there's usually a simple and straightforward solution. Our web development strategy is to make things simple, but not simpler, by developing with three ideals: agility, scalability and speed.


Our center halfback and President. He is obsessed with Ruby on Rails and making the web more usable. This has been his focus since receiving his BS in Computer Science. In his spare time he plays football (soccer).



Corey loves the Green Bay Packers. He has over a decade of development experience under his belt with his Masters from Columbia. At BadPopcorn he is our Chief Software Architect and, more importantly, Battlefield 3 expert.



Jake has dreads had dreads and is one of our project managers. Jake is also a CrossFit Trainer at CrossFit Kinnick.

Jake: Had Dreads


Is an Economist, Pastor, and owner of CrossFit Kinnick. Jon uses his stats background to design great analytical features.

Jon: Loves Tattos


Is so paranoid about online security, he won't let us put up a cartoon picture of him.